Supply Chain Resiliency

Geo-political tensions, pandemic (COVID-19) and logistics disruptions have led to disruptions in the supply-chain resiliency.

The technology sector, with its globalised ecosystem, has been significantly impacted since 2020.

These disruptions have resulted in component shortage/delays, price surges and a new focus on supply-chain resiliency as opposed to “just-in-time” and “cost-efficiency”.

Actions we have taken to increase supply-chain resiliency

Data Respons Solutions is a provider of high-end, customised technology solutions, and are actively involved in the global technology ecosystem.

The solutions we develop could potentially be impacted by supply-chain disruptions in the future, due to the cutting-edge technologies used and the origins of production (primarily Taiwan and China).

Data Respons Solutions has been able to withstand past / current disruptions in the supply chain, by actively working with production partners, dual sourcing and “design-to-availability”. To meet future demand and to reduce risk, we continue to work with our partners to explore further options to increase supply-chain resiliency.


Short-term component actions

We actively design our solutions to reduce complexity and utilise components with increased availability. We also explore opportunities to design solutions that sources components from various geographies and suppliers, to increase resiliency and reduce risk.

Dual sourcing
Partners are actively engaged, to ensure dual sourcing of components to solutions, and if possible, use partners with  abilities to produce components at different continents.

Data Respons Solutions has offered, and offers  our customers the opportunity to hold stock of vital components, to secure delivery of products.

Long-term component actions

Key component producers (TSMC, Intel, TI, Samsung, etc.) are currently developing projects or building new production facilities in USA, Europe, Middle East and India. Furthermore, governments in USA and Europe have put in place incentives to support developments.

We will continue to actively work with our partners, to source components from suppliers with production sites in multiple continents, to secure resiliency of our production and delivery.


For more information contact our sales team.