The 5G Network – from hype to opportunity

5G has been all over the media for quite some time as a catalyst of change for business as well as society.


The 5G network. 5G has been all over the media for quite some time as a catalyst of change for business as well as society.

Image of CTO Hans Christian Lønstad
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Hans Christian Lønstad
CTO, Data Respons Solutions Send email

According to prevailing gospel, 5G’s significance compares to the utilisation of electricity with an endless strike of opportunities. 

  • Is the view on this a bit more nuanced?
  • Does 5G deserve this attention on its own merits?
  • Are potential outcomes clear?

One thing is for sure, without 5G, we can’t exploit the potential of new technologies to the full.

Find out more by listening in on this recording by Data Respons Solutions CTO, Hans Christian Lønstad.
(10 minute recording):


Want more on the 5G Network topic?
Read our article about how 5G is a game changer for the military